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Decore Ocra, the new gem of TechniStone ® design

The Decore Ocra shade is now the youngest

The Decore Ocra shade is now the youngest, very successful colour offspring of the Technistone family. Thanks to its impressive Ochre grey colour shining through to base, it attracts with certainty. Its charm lies in the unusualness and authenticity that triumphs over monotony. It fits into all parts of the interior, goes well with the elements of modernity and the original beauty of historical pieces. It does not diminish, does not pretend and is distinctive and expressive without being disruptive. It catches the eye at first glance, but does not interfere anywhere. It will become part of a living space full of life without conventions and limits. It is the god of modern living, your family friend, who will never disappoint or bore you.



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